Senior Advisor
Washington, DC
Raben Senior Advisor Joe Onek has held important positions in all three branches of the federal government and in the private sector. He knows how to play offense and defense and understands how Washington functions, which is key to his role in Raben's Government Affairs practice area.
Joe joined Raben after serving as senior counsel to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, where he worked on various matters, including the litigation requiring the Bush administration to turn over documents relating to the inappropriate firing of U.S. attorneys.
In the Clinton administration, Joe served as principal deputy associate attorney general and senior coordinator for the State Department's Rule of Law. He defended renowned scientists in private practice against charges from overreaching congressional staff and HHS bureaucrats. In the Carter administration, he served as a member of the White House Domestic Policy Staff working on healthcare issues and then as deputy counsel to the president. He managed the Carter White House’s largely successful efforts to persuade other nations to boycott the Moscow Olympics.
In the public interest world, Joe served as an attorney at the Center for Law and Social Policy and later as the director and Board chair. There, he brought litigation, ending discrimination against Medicaid patients by hospitals receiving federal grants. He also organized an early and highly influential shareholder social responsibility campaign against General Motors’ safety, environmental, and diversity policies. After 9/11, he worked on national security and civil liberties issues at the Constitution Project and the Open Society Institute, working on amicus briefs and white papers challenging the detention of U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants” without a criminal trial.
Joe first entered government service as a law clerk to Chief Judge David L. Bazelon of the District of Columbia Circuit and to Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, and as a staffer for Sen. Ted Kennedy. He was also a partner in two Washington D.C., law firms, specializing in health care and constitutional law issues.
Joe is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He holds a bachelor's degree from Harvard College, a master's from the London School of Economics — which he attended as a Marshall Scholar — and a law degree from Yale Law School.