We Got This
Last week was a doozy. Few of us expected the sustained support of so many voters, however they identified, voting Democratic in so many places. The reminders and lessons of this better-than-expected midterm are many.

Politics define the debate, and the conflict, for power.
At Raben, we are organized to help shift our country toward a public policy that is more supportive of women, people of color, the disabled, LGBTQ, and many others.
And so we are deeply focused on politics — the fights, the winners and losers, and the outcomes.
Last week was a doozy. Few of us expected the sustained support of so many voters, however they identified, voting Democratic in so many places. Few of us cut through the constructed fog of conventional wisdom. Even fewer were prepared for the fact that Andrew Cuomo’s destruction would include the long tail of a conservative redistricting, perhaps the dispositive issue determining control of the House.
But interesting it was and is. The reminders and lessons of this better-than-expected midterm are many:
- The labor-intensive day-in and day-out work of the culinary union in Nevada was, as it turns out, everything. A model for us all nationwide;
- And, Jon Ralston is a gift;
- Good candidates need to run their race. The party leadership needs to tolerate the diversity of style, priority, vernacular, and positioning that works for that candidate;
- No cohort is permanently a base or an opposition—every community needs to be fought for in every election;
- Courts and Judges matter. Really matter. The Federalist Society’s glittering gala took place last week. Four conservative Supreme Court Justices appeared, and some spoke, to thunderous and well-deserved applause. Don’t hate them. Replicate their success;
- There’s a sizable working majority, or at least plurality, motivated to protect democracy and probably a larger one motivated to protect a woman’s right to choose;
- Relatively low favorable ratings are just that, relative. Every election is “compared to what?”
But, after a good night for Democrats, very conservative people are likely to nominally control the House, which means the issues we care about and the people we engage with will be under attack. Real attack. If not through successful legislation, then the bullying of the gavel and false utterances in the press.
We have to be smart, and strong, and vigilant. This is coming.
Our team here at Raben is deeply experienced in this. We’ve been here. We handle oversight well, we handle messaging well, and we don’t falter or panic.
We’ve got this. With all of you. We’ve got this.