
Laura V.

Principal, Regional Lead, & Founder

El Paso, TX

A principal and founder at Raben, Laura V. Rodriguez is a visionary leader who uses her tenacity and experience to ensure her clients reach their goals. As a leader in the firm's Strategic Communications practice area, Laura specializes in communications, message development, and political strategy. She also leads the firm’s Texas office, which she established in 2015. She serves as a member of the firm’s management team.

In her two decades with the firm, Laura has advised and supported various charities, think tanks, business associations, advocacy organizations, and private companies. Clients have included Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California, CREEED, Californians for Safety and Justice, the Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation, the Texas Business Immigration Council, and the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law. 

Before opening the firm's Texas office, Laura launched Raben’s California office in 2005. While in California, she led communications and managed coalition outreach for Proposition 47, a statewide ballot initiative that was overwhelmingly approved by voters and that helped a million Californians reclassify their criminal records. She also helped leading civil rights and research organizations — including MALDEF, The Williams Institute, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice — build their communications infrastructure, increase their media exposure, and establish themselves as national thought leaders.

Laura’s clients have been featured in platforms such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, HuffPost, Texas Tribune,  and CNN. While based out of Raben’s Washington office, she spearheaded the effort to establish a National Museum of the American Latino, and guided advocacy and communications strategy planning for Time Warner Cable. She began her career on Capitol Hill, where she held leadership positions in the offices of Representatives Hilda L. Solis (D-Calif.), Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.), and Ronald D. Coleman (D-Texas).

An El Paso native, Laura is a graduate of The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. She is a co-founder of the Hispanic Lobbyists Association and sits on the boards of the ACLU of Texas, Annie’s List, Every Texan, and Executive Forum.